Read: Psalm 103; 1 Corinthians 11:24-26
The longer we live, the fuzzier old memories often become. Yet, sometimes circumstances cause memories from the past to come back into clear focus. That is what happened to Sharon Day of Fayetteville, West Virginia. The happenings in this lady's story go back to 1968 when she was 16 years old. She was at a high school dance at Fayetteville High School, and she lost her wallet. It was never found, and Sharon Day says she resigned herself to the fact that it was gone forever. She truly didn't think about that lost wallet during the 54 years that followed. In 2019, the high school was closed, and this year, renovations have been taking place to turn the school into apartments. Enter contractor Bradley Scott who opened up the old sealed ductwork.
Out fell a wallet, along with a shoe and other sundry items. The wallet contained a social security card and pictures which mentioned names and had other writing on them. Mr. Scott believed the owner of this wallet could be found. It took only a week to find Sharon Day's sister on Facebook who told Sharon that someone had found something for her. What a surprise she received. The wallet means a lot to this lady now. Seeing the pictures and remembering those who were a part of her life back then has given her an idea. She'll make a scrapbook so that the memories from decades ago will remain a part of her life to be enjoyed by not only her but younger members of her family. To her, these people are worth remembering.
In the Bible, we learn many truths about remembering. Both things God remembers and things He desires that we remember because we belong to Him. Another time, Lord willing, we will glimpse some precious things that God remembers about us; however, for today, we will merely scratch the surface concerning a few precious truths about the Lord that He wants us to tuck into our memory banks. One from the Old Testament and one from the New Covenant.
First from the Old Testament. In Psalm 103, David, enabled by the Holy Spirit holds out to us precious truths concerning what God is like. They are sweet and strong. Worth remembering because what we see all around us often assaults our minds, pushing back the precious truths that God has given us for our strength and encouragement. In Psalm 103:2, we are told not to forget all of God's benefits. That's simply another way of telling us to remember them. When we look at what we learn here about God and consider what it means to us, it's a bit like pasting a precious picture with its explanation of the circumstances into a scrapbook. We look at it to remind ourselves of the good things we have received. For example, God tells us in this psalm about His boundless forgiveness and His never-ending compassion toward His children, Psalm 103:12; Psalm 103:17-18. How valuable and worth remembering this truth is. Especially at those times when we have fallen short again and given into a sin we thought had been obliterated from our lives. It is Time to remember the extent of God's love and forgiveness. Whether our earthly fathers have been warm and forgiving or distant and harsh, God's forgiveness and love outshines even that of the best father, Psalm 103:10-14, and He wants us to remember that. Not merely for our own comfort but to hold out to others who need this same reminder. If we may, let's look at one more truth from this psalm that God wants us to remember. In Psalm 103:5, we are reminded of the renewing and sustaining love of God. We are told here that He satisfies us with good things so that our lives are renewed like the eagle.
How good it is to remember that God's strength and grace causes us to be buoyed up and restored. The Lord wants us to remember that though we are dust, Psalm 103:14, we can count on His strength to help each day, Philippians 4:13. In His timing, He will restore us, 2 Peter 5:10. As the Lord renews the eagle, He continues to give us the grace and work through even our weaknesses, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10. The Lord wants us to remember that He is the One Who sustains us and the One Who renews us.
We don't pull ourselves up. No, instead, He helps us up as we need it, Psalm 46:1. When we are out of strength, our Father wants us to remember that His strength is inexhaustible. The best thing? Unlike someone here on earth, the Lord never wearies of our coming to Him again and again for the refreshment that we need. His supply is limitless, just as His love is. Worth remembering!
Now let's look into the New Covenant and be reminded of a precious truth that Jesus wants us to remember. In 1 Corinthians 11:24-26, we are told that when we who belong to Jesus receive the bread and the cup as we celebrate communion, we are to remember the Savior's death. What He has done on our behalf! Remembering that Jesus has provided forgiveness and cleansing for us as we take the elements. Remembering that it was not silver or gold that purchased our salvation but the death of the spotless Lamb of God, 1 Peter 1:18-19; John 1:35-36. Remembering that He will not drink wine again until He celebrates with His own when He rules and reigns in His kingdom, Matthew 26:29. What a tangible way to recall what Jesus did out of love for us and what a reminder that we will continue to experience that love forever. Worth remembering.
Lord, Thank You for the amazing truths You have shown us. Help us to ponder them with joy.