Now That's Encouragement
Read: Ephesians 4:29; 1 Thessalonians 5:11; Hebrews 3:13 It has happened to everyone. When not paying attention, we trip over our own...
Now That's Encouragement
Truly, Truth Sets Us Free!
George Sweeting-A Man Who Loved and Honored Jesus
Got a Few Minutes?
A Beautiful Surprise!
Revisiting the Box
What Could I Possibly have in Common with King David?
Even a "Good Guy" Needs the Lord
Keep Running to the Living Refuge
Wow"! What a Beautiful Reaction
In His Time
If Rosebushes Could Sing
Sometimes, There's an Exception to the Rule!
Mailbox Truth
The Joy of an Open Heart!
Contrasting the Unlikely with the Miraculous!
Oh Rats, I Wasted That Water!
Surprised by Grace!
Thank You James Franklin Hyde
Lost Focus