Read: Psalm 62:5-8; John 11:1-22
A shelter is only as good as its composition and how well it provides help when needed.
For example, I remember the little portable enclosure we bought to provide protection from the elements when we ate at the picnic table. However, there was a problem. Even a not too strong wind sent it flying all over the yard. A useless refuge provides no shelter at all. We ended up running after its scattered pieces. Once gathered up, it went back in the box and back to the vendor. Thankfully, we who belong to Jesus have a Living Refuge, and this week, Joni Tada told a story about a friend of hers who ran to Him with an every-day need. One that was very important to him. Here is his story in my words:
Billy is a man who has worked at Joni & Friends for more than 18 years. He struggles with back problems, and his wife has some health challenges. These things he deals with on an every-day basis, but as we all know, on any given day sometimes problems pile on one another, and things get pretty rough. That happened to Billy one day as he was going to lunch. The car he leased all of a sudden showed a flashing light and began to ding. The message said that the hood was open, but how to close it. Billy couldn't locate the switch in the newly leased car. He tried calling GM. The line was busy. The emergency number yielded only a voice mail message; so, he went to a gas station where no one could help. A headache was beginning, and Billy did the thing we all have had the opportunity to do on many occasions. He laid his head on the steering wheel and cried out to God for help. He simply called out to the Lord saying that he didn't know what to do. Within a minute, a white car pulled up beside him. The driver got out and noting that Billy appeared to need help, asked if there were something he could do. Billy asked if he knew where the switch for the hood was. He did. Having just located it the night before. His car was the same year and model as Billy's. He reached in and clicked the tiny switch. Since Billy needed nothing else, the man simply drove away. Like he had been sent on this mission.
He had no other business at the gas station. Billy did what we are encouraged to do in Psalm 62:5-8. He poured out his need before the Lord. The Living Refuge. The One we are told to trust and trusting includes calling out to Him in time of need. I love Billy's story of God's hearing and answering his cry for help.
The details of how the Lord answered his cry remind us that God watches over the details of not only our lives but also of the lives of those we love. Yet, we know that it is true that it doesn't always happen that quickly, but how sweet it is when it does. Yes, we know that God hears the cry of the righteous, and His ears are open to our cry, 1 Peter 3:12; however, His timing and the way He works vary. There are often delays or things God does in answer to our cries that are hidden from our view. At least for now. We can be reminded of this truth if we glimpse Mary and Martha's reaction to their brother's death found in the account in John 11:1-32. We are told of Jesus' love for Mary, Martha and Lazarus in verse 5 of John 11. So, when the Lord got the message that Lazarus was sick, no doubt it was assumed that He would come to help quickly. However, what we know but the ladies didn't know is that Jesus had a purpose in delaying His arrival to Bethany, and when the Lord did come, their loved brother had already been dead for four days. Although they had sent word to Jesus concerning the need in plenty of time for Him to have come, He hadn't arrived in time. What I love about the story is that Martha and Mary didn't stop interacting with Jesus. They still poured out their hearts before Him. Telling Him that if He had been with them that their brother would not have died. No doubt, it made no sense to them why the Master had delayed, but their sorrow and confusion didn't cause them to walk away from Him.
I like that reminder because Jesus is still our Refuge whether He seems to respond quickly or His response seems untimely. He calls us to trust Him and pour out our hearts to Him, Psalm 62:5-8. We are told in Hebrews 13:5 that He will never leave us or forsake us. He will not go away or fail to offer His love as a strong shelter and refuge for us., Romans 8:38-39. In Psalm 139:17-18, we are reminded that God's thoughts toward us are as numerous as the sand on the seashore. When we cry out to Him, and don't see His response quickly, it is not because He is indifferent or distant. No, it is not because He does not care. On the contrary, the prayers of His children are a delight to Him, Proverbs 15:8. We can always run to our Living Refuge.
Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble.