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Wow"! What a Beautiful Reaction

Writer's picture: PattyPatty

Read: 1 Timothy 6:17; James 1:17


I had watched almost all of the news last night, and I was waiting for the last story. The one I hoped would either make me laugh or give me joy. I was certainly not disappointed. May I explain?


The incident that was highlighted actually took place in April of 2019. A grandfather Stephen Mattin and his grandson, Ronan had attended a Handel and Haydn Mozart concert. Ronan Mattin who was 9 years old at the time was so awestruck at the music that when the performance ended, he said 'wow.' With awe and wonder shining out through his voice. Ronan's grandfather explained that his grandson is on the autistic spectrum and that he almost never expresses his feelings in a spontaneous way. Ronan was not being disruptive. He was reacting to something that truly had been amazing to him. The Audience's reaction? They laughed with happiness, and then they clapped to demonstrate their own wonder and joy at the beauty that they all had experienced that evening. What a gift Ronan gave his family and others who attended. The joy of being wowed and the delight in expressing it.


It seems that the waves of sadness that we see everywhere keep rolling in all around us. We can't and shouldn't deny that, but what about the gifts God gives us that, if we stand back and experience them, might 'wow' us? What if we ask God to help us make time--even just a little time--to enjoy the amazing wonders He has placed all around us, 1 Timothy 6:17? After all, the Creator/Redeemer is the One Who has not only provided every good gift, James 1:17, He has also given us the capacity to be wowed and give praise to Him. With that in mind, here are some 'wowable' gifts that come to my mind. Thank You Lord for each one.


1. Sunrises and sunsets.

I remember when I was in my early 20s. Yes, I know. Prior to the invention of fire. I had just been given the news that one of my grandparents had died. I stood out on the deck. It was early morning. The house where my family lived back then was in another part of the state. The colors, even with my visual limitation were beautiful. I remember thinking that God brought the sun out new each morning. Even when someone dies. He brings out His beauty. At the time, I didn't know the scripture from Lamentations 3 where we are reminded that God's mercies are new each morning, and that His faithfulness is great, lamentations 3:21-23. What a 'wowable' truth God tucks into His beautiful creation each morning.


2. The Rocky Mountains.

I have been to Colorado, but I have never seen the Rocky Mountains. They are too big for my field of vision to take in any of their stunning detail so, why choose these as

'wowable?' It is because I have enjoyed them vicariously. More than one friend has spoken of their beauty. From what I know that loveliness is there to enjoy all year round.

What a gift God has given that displays the truth that there is beauty in the changing seasons.


3.The innocence of a child.

I did not say sinless since sadly, we are all born with a bent toward sin because of the fall, Genesis 3; Romans 5:12. However, little ones often speak what is in their hearts with a sweetness that is in my opinion 'wowable.' Many years ago, I was an aide at a school. First and second graders were the ones I helped. One little guy's remark has never left me. He put his tiny arms around my lower body and said with all the sweetness he had. "I love you even though you are blind." Nothing but tenderness and childlike lack of guile. I wonder if that straight forward expression of the love in his heart was a bit of what Jesus had in mind when He spoke of coming to Him like the children did, Matthew 19:14. Not having to weigh our words. Anxious to be with Him. Simply coming to Him as we are. Coming to the throne of grace to find help in those many times of need, Hebrews 4:14-16. Welcome to do so because we belong to Him.



Yes, it has been 100 degrees, and snow is not presently on the horizon, but when it falls silently and gently, and when all is quiet, I think it is truly "wowable." And loved by many.

Of course, even if some don't think that snow is beautiful, God has graciously given us the reminder that we, because of Jesus, have been washed whiter than snow. What a pristine thought. What a 'wowable' truth, Isaiah 1:18.


5.Tree ripened peaches.

What a 'wowable' creation from God. Sweet and ready to eat because they came warm from the tree. Juicy enough to make us sticky all over. If all that weren't enough, they remind me that just as they have a perfect time for harvesting, Jesus Himself came at just the right time, Galatians 4:4. In the fullness of time. That word 'fullness' has of one of its meanings the picture of the just right time for harvest. How 'wowable' to remember that the One Who came at just the right time the first time will do so again. It is certain. A much sweeter thing than even a tree ripened peach.


6.The first robin of spring.

Oh how 'wowable' is the first time the robin sings with such sweetness each spring. The sound is so pure, and even those who love winter are ready to hear the strains of the robin's song. It means that lots of other wonderful things will also be emerging. It is a foretaste of more beautiful things to come. I remember a time when my ears were very stuffed up, and hearing the birds was difficult. Oh, the joy I experienced when they popped open again. When that happened, I thought of the joy that comes when the Lord makes Himself known to someone for the first time, Acts 16:14.


What a 'wowable' moment when spiritual ears pop open and a person sees not only his need for the Savior but God's unfathomable love that opened the door to His forgiveness, John 3:16. Lord, help us to unashamedly say wow like Ronan did. Who knows who needs to experience that joy!

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