Read: Luke 7:36-50
How can we determine what a person values? After all, we can't see into his heart or know his thoughts; however, we can at least get a clue by his actions what a man truly esteems as precious. May I explain? This week I heard what happened on Jason and Travis Kelce's podcast, New Heights. Jason Kelce lost his Super Bowl LII ring in a most unusual way. He had put the jewelry into a pool of chili, along with several fake rings. Each had been placed in a sock, and contestants were charged with finding the authentic ring in the pool filled with chili. When all was said and done, the valuable ring wasn't found. Even when a search was made with a metal detector. As of this writing, it is not known what the insurance company will do with this particular claim. Jason Kelce said that another ring can probably be made and that it is just a hunk of metal. The idea for the contest sprang from the fact that Kelce has at other times, misplaced his ring. So, though we can't see into Kelce's thoughts and feelings, his behavior paints the picture that he considers the jewelry to be replaceable.
Every person holds a different opinion concerning which things can or can't be replaced. Some objects have little monetary value but hold a great deal of meaning. However, what about people? Do we show by our actions that people are truly valuable regardless of who they are?
This week I heard a man say that so many people he has met grow up having heard that they are mistakes, and what is done with a mistake? It can be tossed away or easily replaced. It isn't a word that should ever be attached to a person. Each of whom are created in the image of God, Genesis 1:26-27. Let's look at an incident from Luke's gospel and watch Jesus show us that truth by His actions.
In Luke 7:36-50, We meet Simon who is a Pharisee and a woman who is a sinner. Simon had invited the Savior to his home for dinner. As they were reclining at the table, the unnamed woman entered and began to anoint Jesus' feet with precious ointment. She also wiped them with her tears and dried them with her hair. This unexpected incident shows us whom Jesus considered valuable. Both Simon and the woman.
First, Simon. When Jesus knew the contempt Simon felt for this woman and even the contempt he felt for Jesus, the Master addressed him. I love the simple story. There were two debtors. Both were totally unable to pay what they owed. Hello Simon. You also are a sinner, but there is one who stands ready to pay your debt. Yes, your sins are fewer than this woman's, but each of you stands without the resources to pay. Jesus pointed out to Simon that this woman whom he did not think worthy of being near Jesus had been showing Him great honor and love. Simon had demonstrated no such love at all. Simon hadn't shown by his actions, unlike the woman, that Jesus was worthy of honor. Jesus could have simply ignored the Pharisee; however, reaching out to him with the truth shows the love Jesus had for him. His attitude was wrong, but Jesus didn't want it to stay that way.
Second, the woman. She was also valuable to Jesus. Jesus displayed that truth by not pretending that she had not lived a sinful life but rather acknowledging the forgiveness she had received from Him. He received her loving actions that sprang out of cleansing she had received. We know that her life had been changed because the Lord told her to go in peace.
Both Simon and the woman were precious to Jesus. Both needed the forgiveness that only He could grant, but from all appearances, only one left knowing how valuable she was to Jesus. Only one really understood how valuable and precious Jesus the Lord is and how precious His gift of forgiveness truly is.
It seems strange to care little about a valuable ring, but how much more tragic is it to not value the precious gift of salvation Jesus bought for each of us wit His blood, 1 Peter 1:18-19. All of the people we meet, whether they are like respectable Simon or like the woman who had lived a sinful life are precious to God. None is a mistake whose life is worthy of being balled up and tossed away. None can be replaced. Each one has the possibility, because of Jesus, to be made new, John 3:3.
Lord, Help us to see each person as You see him. Help us to remember that we too are valuable to You, and that the reason we now love You is because You first loved us, 1 John 4:19.