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More Broken on the Inside Than We Imagined

Writer's picture: PattyPatty

Read: Psalm 32:1-11; 2 Samuel 12:1-14

We have changed out the kitchen faucet more than once since having moved into our home more than twenty years ago; however, yesterday was the first time that we needed to replace the one in the bathroom sink. It had begun to have small places where the minerals were wearing away the finish. Concerning these kinds of chores, my husband does the bulk of the work, and I get tools or hold things in place. In reading up on changing out this type of faucet, one line stood out. “It often takes longer to remove the old faucet than it does to install the new one”. We did find that to be true. The initial removing of the faucet was simple; however, I had no idea how stuck, worn and corroded the inner unseen pieces of the faucet were! Let's simply say that nothing that was eventually torn out and scraped from the inside was salvageable. There was a mess of minerals to be cleaned and scraped out, but when that was accomplished, we were ready to install the shiny new replacement. Getting rid of what was ugly made room for something new.

At the beginning of 2 Samuel 12, we read a sweet verse, especially if we peek back at the last verse of 2 Samuel 11 which says that what David had done displeased the Lord. David had committed adultery, murdered a loyal soldier, and live months filled with duplicity. Covering up! No wonder God was displeased. If David's heart were like our faucet, the inside where only God can see would have been ugly due to his lack of repentance that lasted for more than one year. Back to that beautiful first verse in 2 Samuel 12 where we see that God sent Nathan to David. What a picture of God's loyal love that did not let David continue to live without acknowledging his sin. God, unlike human beings, did not abandon His wayward son when His actions displeased Him. Instead, He sought His sheep by sending the prophet to confront him. He did not abandon David and break His covenant with Him (2 Samuel 7:12-17). Let's look at God's unrelenting love for David that is neither too soft nor overly harsh.

Maybe it is because I love stories and object lessons that I so appreciate how Nathan approached David. What is better than a simple picture that anyone can understand? Who wouldn't become angry at the man Nathan described here. After all, this fictitious man took the precious and loved little lamb that belonged to his neighbor rather than serving his guests with one of the many that belonged to him. David was ready with a suitable punishment, and then Nathan closed the trap on him. He was that man. What a gift of love the Lord held out to David. The truth about himself, and in response to it, David's heart was turned, and he truly repented. The ugliness and rot that was on the inside was exposed, and David wanted it gone. Nathan's words were strong. What David had done was wicked, and there would surely be consequences; even so, God provided forgiveness and cleansing. Sweet and undeserved gifts for David.

In Psalm 32:1-5, we read about the inner turmoil David Experienced during the months when he tried to hide his sin, as well as the sweet freedom that acknowledging his sin brought. No doubt, David's brokenness on the inside was far greater than what others could see in his day-to-day life. The psalm indicates that God was leaning heavily on the king, and David's feeling of wellbeing was greatly altered. God's work in David's life, even prior to His sending Nathan to him is a reminder of God's loyal love. The king's physical and emotional suffering were severe reminders that he needed to return to God for cleansing and forgiveness. In Psalm 32:1-2, we read of the joy and relief David experienced when he finally repented and received these precious gifts.

Gifts only God can give, and David joyously received them when he stopped trying to cover up his sin.

Now that David had received cleanness on the inside, God made a promise. He would guide him with His eye upon him, Psalm 32:8. How would this occur? David was to be prompted by what God said was right. Then, he would not have to be led like an animal that needed to be forced to obey. The psalm ends with joy and gladness, byproducts of a forgiven, cleansed and obedient life. The outer life that can be seen by others is governed by a cleansed life within. This is the kind of life that keeps short accounts with God. A life that quickly turns from what is wrong in response to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

After pastor and author Adrian Rogers passed away, I heard a program that featured family members. The sweetest thing that was said was that Pastor Rogers was the same man at home that he was in public. No duplicity. No tainted life on the inside that others didn't see on the outside.

Lord, Thank You that You don't abandon the Davids of today. Help us to be like Nathan who went to David in Your timing with Your message, Proverbs 25:11-12.

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