Read: Proverbs 28:15; Proverbs 29:2; Colossians 1:13-14; Isaiah 2:1-6; Isaiah
As I begin this devotion, I want to say how much my husband and I appreciate all the men and women who have served and helped keep us safe for the past 20 years. Only when we see the world from God's perspective will we know the lives that were spared and the evil plots that were thwarted through your faithfulness and God's merciful interventions. From listening and observing what is going on in Afghanistan even today, I know many are dealing with frustration, anger and sadness. I can't offer anything to you but our thanks and one additional thing. A prayer. As I listened to the words of a veteran this week, heartfelt prayer is what he was requesting. He has great anguish for the women and children of Afghanistan, the safety of our own country from terrorism
and the safe rescue of Americans and those who have so faithfully stood with us during this mission. As I offer these simple words, please know that I count on the Holy Spirit to take them and use them to call out for the Lord's will which I can't fathom, Romans 8:26-27; Ephesians 3:20.
Lord, please comfort and make Your love known to the men and women who have helped hold back evil during these past 20 years. Almighty God, please intervene to thwart the wicked plans of those who would plot against the United States. Father, please send helpers to the Afghani women and children, and please let them come to know You as their Abba. Lord of Hosts, please help those who are involved in rescuing Americans as well as Afghani people. Please send Your angels according to the need
and Your will. We ask that You would be honored and glorified as Your love and hand are seen.
Thinking of our veterans' gracious and powerful work of rescuing causes me to think about Jesus Who came to accomplish the most awesome rescue of all. His loving sacrifice was on behalf of the whole world, John 3:16. Isn't it amazing to remember that not one person has been born who doesn't need the Rescuer. In the church we enjoy the addition of babies. Good church growth technique. Each little human being has been made in the image of God, Genesis 1:26-27; yet, each precious person comes with the same need. A Savior, if you will, a Rescuer.
It might sound strange to some that the Bible says that since sin entered the world, each of us is born upside-down from how God meant it to be. What I mean is that instead of entering the world with a desire to love God and honor Him, we're born, no matter how sweet we look, without a desire to know and honor our Creator/Redeemer.
Here's another truth that might seem strange to many people. We, even those who are kind, belong to what the Bible calls the kingdom of darkness. The truth is that we can't do enough nice things to work or earn our way out of this kingdom which offers us no door through which we can walk to meet God. That's where Jesus, the ultimate Rescuer comes in. He did everything necessary to rescue anyone who will run to Him. That means we have to admit that we have no resources to rescue ourselves and no way to be released out of the dark kingdom into His wondrous Kingdom of Light, Colossians 1:13-14; Isaiah 64:6. Is it really as bad as all that? After all, before I knew about Jesus' rescue, I didn't think my life was so dark. That was because I didn't know that the kingdom to which I belonged was headed up by the one Jesus called a liar and a murderer, John 8:44.
Our scriptures from the Proverbs paint an earthly picture of the helplessness of people when wicked men are in charge. How sad it has been and is even today when people suffer under such tyranny. Behind such wickedness is Satan who is the ultimate cause of the suffering and evil that people in the world endure. What we see when those who serve this evil one rule, is a glimpse of the kingdom of darkness. Yet, Praise God! Even though now, wicked men often rule on earth, it won't always be this way. We each have the privilege of choosing which kingdom we will inhabit for eternity. Let's remember how wonderful Jesus' kingdom will be.
Isaiah says that it will be a kingdom of peace where no weapons of war will be wielded and we will be taught by the Lord Who will be ruling from Jerusalem, Isaiah 2:1-6. Imagine it. Taught by the One Who rescued us. Isaiah also speaks of the beauty, joy, lack of infirmity and peace that will fill this kingdom, Isaiah 35:1-10. What a joyous thought to know that no oppression and tyranny will be a part of the government that
Jesus will oversee, and His reign will be an everlasting reign, Isaiah 35:9-10; Daniel 2:44-45.
One of the good things our Afghani helpers did was the work of translation. Have you ever thought that we, who belong to Jesus do a work similar to that? No, we generally speak the same language as those who are around us; yet, we "translate", helping them to understand what Jesus is really like. The words some folks have heard about Him are not the truth. We have the privilege of letting them know about His love for them and their need for the rescue only He can provide.