Read: Matthew 26:51-56; Luke 22:51; Acts 1:1-11
Now that it feels like winter, many people have pulled out puzzles for indoor fun. When I think about the challenge of putting together puzzles, I remember a story I heard years ago. The "puzzle war" that had occurred in a care facilities. I hadn't known it prior to hearing the story of the skirmish, but putting in the last pieces in the puzzle was at least for that particular group of puzzlers something to be greatly desired. Evidently while the first group slept, others came in and put in the last pieces. To counteract that, the other group put out a sign asking that no one come in and complete the puzzle during the night. I never heard if the parties ever did ever come to a "pieceful" understanding. I can also remember that there was often a card table set up when I was little. With puzzle pieces strewn all over it. I used to try to put together a few of the straight pieces that might fit into the border. Guessing by the feel of the pieces which might come together. Thinking about that makes me smile since I rarely was successful in my efforts, but still, I tried. FYI, trying to manipulate or force a piece to fit into the pattern is useless. What's that old saying about insanity being defined as doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result?
There is something even more challenging than a legally blind person trying to fit pieces into a picture she can't really see. It is that same person trying to figure out where her little edge piece fits into the massive but beautifully organized puzzle that God is putting together with intricate care. The good thing is that I know that I'm not alone in this understandable yet fruitless endeavor. How many times has each of us tried to figure out what God might be doing in a given circumstance? Or how many times have we attempted to help God by our fleshly interactions because we know we are certainly doing His will? I know because these things and others like them have been part of my thinking as I tried to wedge my little piece in the proper place. Only to have it pushed aside by a loving but infinitely larger hand. The problem is that we might have the right place for the piece to fit but have the wrong timing because God is at work in a completely different area of the puzzle. Thankfully, we're not the only ones who find ourselves on the wrong track. Let's look at some biblical people who can understand us because their lives mirror our own. They too thought they understood God's plan and God's timing.
Let's begin with Peter. He surely loved Jesus. He didn't, as I wouldn't have either, understand what was happening to the Master, Matthew 26:51-56. Judas had betrayed Jesus with a treacherous kiss, and then the unthinkable happened. They were taking away the Lord with whom they had walked for around three years; so, surely it was time for Peter to put in his puzzle piece.
Can we imagine the shock that the high priests' servant experienced when Peter cut off his ear? Jesus' words to His impulsive apostle were quick and true. There was no way the Savior either needed or wanted Peter's intervention. Angels could have been summoned if the puzzle picture was a victory over those who were seizing Jesus. Peter's problem was that his eyes saw the wrong picture. He didn't see that the scriptures that had been put in place hundreds of years earlier needed to be fulfilled. In Luke 22:51, Jesus surely shocked those around Him when he healed the man Peter struck. Peter had tried so hard to place his puzzle piece where it would do good, but he was overruled by the Master. Peter was correct in his thinking that there would come a day when the unrepentant wicked and their plans would be overthrown; however, first there would be an extended period of God's grace. That's what he didn't yet understand.
Now, let's look at another incident. This one from the book of Acts, Acts 1:1-11. Another time after Jesus' resurrection when the disciples thought that the puzzle pieces would surely picture the inauguration of Jesus' glorious kingdom on earth. No wonder they asked that very important question. The one that begged to be answered with a resounding yes. Was this now the time for victory over the oppressors and the beginning of all things new? Once again, Jesus' answer was decisive. They would not be given the details or the timing concerning Jesus beautiful reign on the earth, but Jesus didn't say that it wouldn't occur. They were to wait for the indwelling Spirit and the power He would pour into their lives. After that, they were to go and tell the Good News. Jesus' answer was much different than the one they had no doubt pictured in their minds, but it was no less grand and wondrous.
Imagine it. Thousands of people would soon receive Jesus' gift when Peter, empowered by the Holy Spirit, spoke His words to them. It is doubtful that the disciples could have fathomed all that God would do. So many throughout the next hundreds of years would be saved, 2 Peter 3:9. Their outreach was merely the beginning of God's new covenant work!
What a reminder that the One Who fashions the puzzle knows where each piece fits so that all the beauty will eventually be seen. There are so many things we can't fit anywhere right now. Try as we might, and it isn't wrong to try, we can't make many things come together. As we wait to see the finished masterpiece of God's grace, truth, wisdom and righteousness, we can call to Him for His sustaining grace.
This week, I was listening to a call-in show. People were invited to talk about what lights up their eyes. One lady talked about the deer and fawns that walked right through her yard. They were an answer to prayer because she has been bed-ridden for three years. They are a reminder of God's care in her life. Although she can't understand the whys surrounding the difficulties that she deals with daily, God has given her a gift that lights up her eyes. Something precious to her that buoys her up. She doesn't have every piece of her puzzle, but she is thankful for that one precious piece that fits snugly into the right place.
Lord, Thank You that You oversee all the pieces of all the puzzles. This is true even when we forget it. Someday, we will be even more in awe of Your work than we are now.
Until then, we thank You for Your mercies, love and strength for each day.