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Keeping the Door Ajar

Read: Romans 11:11-14; Philippians 2:14-15; 1 Peter 2:11-17; Daniel 6:1-14


Is it only me? Or, is everyone receiving more and more e-mails that come from fake sources? This week alone, I had a couple scam contacts from the SSA, along with one notice from a bank saying that my account was frozen. Then there was the message saying that I would no longer receive e-mails. Second verse. Same as the first! One falsehood after another. It was easy to delete the one from the big bank since I have never had an account there, and I didn't linger over the others since the style of the writing and the messages were both obviously bogus. Nothing is worth my time if its source is not trustworthy, and I simply delete it or toss it into the trash.


Not trustworthy. Those are two power packed words. No wonder the Bible exhorts us to display lives to a watching world that show that though we are flawed, we are also trustworthy. If we are forthright about times when we aren't all that we would like to be, even are falling short can show someone that our walk with Jesus is genuine. We are flawed but growing, 2 Corinthians 3:18.


Before we look at today's challenging scriptures, Let's remember that the commands we will look at are given to people who have already turned their lives over to the Savior. The exhortations we will ponder are not part of to do lists so we can gain favor with God; rather, they are the ever-growing beautiful traits of a person who is strengthened and enabled by the Holy Spirit. A person who already knows he is wholly loved by the Redeemer and whose desire it is to please God and show others what He is like. With that in mind, let's glimpse some of the Bible's truths.


Romans 11:11-14 What a way to begin. Here Paul speaks about making much of his ministry to those who are not Jewish. Even though the apostle was himself a Jew, he reached out for the most part to the Gentiles. All those who weren't Jewish. He was glad to do that because it was his desire that his kinsmen, the Jewish people, would see the Gentiles' relationship with the Lord and desire that same thing for themselves. Because Paul loved his kinsmen, his heart's desire and longing was that their envy would result in their salvation, Romans 9:1-3. He says that the reason that he wanted them to be envious, Romans 11:11; Romans 11:14 was so they would receive Jesus as their Messiah. What a beautiful way to think about envy. Not someone wanting our car or position; instead, someone wanting to come to know Jesus. Envious of the love and joy we have because of the Savior's grace and love that has been poured out into our lives, 2 Corinthians 8:9; 2 Corinthians 9:15.


Philippians 2:14-15 We're now going to look into a couple of very challenging verses.

Exhortations to not complain and argue. So different than what we see everywhere. We are to live our lives with a different attitude. Perhaps gratitude could replace complaining. Surely doing that will cause us to stand out from many in the crowd. In fact, Philippians 2:15 says that living in such a different way will cause us to appear like shining stars. Not so we can brag or look down on others; rather that if someone sees the contrast between us and what is the ordinary way of reacting, we will have an opportunity to honor Jesus. The One Who gives us contentment and joy. The Giver of every good and perfect gift, James 1:17. The One Who did not withhold Jesus and cares about us and what we need in our every-day lives, Romans 8:32.


1 Peter 2:11-17 In these verses, Peter is very specific. He begins by reminding us that we are "simply passing through." We living here, but this is merely our temporary home. Nevertheless in 1 Peter 2:9-10, Peter also reminds us of the standing and privileges Jesus has given us. We are chosen, and we have been shown great mercy. We now have the privilege of telling others about God. We belong to a royal priesthood. With that in mind, he exhorts us to live differently than those around us. Again, not so we can laud ourselves but so we can show them Jesus. Then because people have seen through our lives, little glimpses of what He is like, He will receive honor when they either give their lives to Him before they die or when He returns in triumph. In 1 Peter 2:13-17, Peter also reminds us that our lives should showcase our respect for all people and obedience to those in authority. In all these verses, Peter makes it clear that doing what is right silences the ignorant talking of those who would like to criticize us. Even so, as we know, living contrary to the grain isn't easy. Perhaps if we remember that living set apart lives might someday be the open door for the Gospel, it will help. We can't enhance the wonder of God's love, but living in a trustworthy manner might keep the door for speaking about Him, ajar, 1 Peter 3:15. Even if that never happens, God is honored by our upright walk.


Daniel's life demonstrated this kind of goodness. His enemies who were envious of him--not in the commendable way mentioned earlier--wanted to bring a bad report about him; however, there was nothing they could say against him. His conduct was upright. In a word, he was trustworthy. His life shone like the stars. Even though his enemies chose to despise the light., his exemplary life won favor with the king, Daniel 6:1-14. So much so that the king regretted the law he had made and longed to rescue Daniel from the lion’s den.


We know that only the Lord enables people to be born again, John 3:3; yet, He gives us the privilege of partnering with Him as we live in a way that keeps the door ajar so we can tell others about the One Who truly lived a perfect trustworthy life. Jesus!

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