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If Rosebushes Could Sing

Writer's picture: PattyPatty

Read: Hebrews 10:24-25; Hebrews 3:13


Sometimes I like to imagine how fun it might be if God's animals could talk. Like the time God gave the donkey the voice of a man so she could rebuke Balaam for Him, Numbers 22:22-31. Or what about plants? What would they say or sing if given a voice? Do you remember the apple tree in the Wizard of Oz that scolded Dorothy for plucking its apples? Today as I was watering the rosebushes, I was telling them to pretend the water I was pouring out on them was rain. Perhaps if given the ability to speak, they might sing: "But Baby It's Hot Outside." Don't worry. I have neither heard speech flow from an animal or a plant, but I do know this. Watering rosebushes on a day like this sustains and perks them up. Droopiness and weariness are alleviated--at least for a while--when they receive a refreshing watering, but it won't be long before they will need a good dousing again.


Aren't we a bit like those rosebushes on a hot day? If we had leaves, they might start to curl up. Not from the temperature outside, but rather the scorched feeling we receive from taking in the thinking that opposes what God says. There are so many circumstances that leave us as parched as rosebushes when it is 100 degrees. Too many to enumerate, but we all know that feeling of needing the refreshing water that flows from one believer encouraging another. Or many believers raising their voices in song to affirm the sweet truths about the Lord. We need each other because "baby it is really hot outside." The strength we can share and that we need comes as we remain close to each other.


The writer of Hebrews encourages us to continue meeting together. He wants those who belong to Jesus to be concerned for one another, Hebrews 10:24-25. As we continue to love each other, we will keep on "watering" each other, encouraging one another daily so we won't become hardened by sin's deception. There are many ways to do this. Thankfully, we who are indwelt by the Holy Spirit have each been given spiritual gifts and talents to be used to buoy each other up. Let's look at Barnabas and glimpse two incidents where God used him to refresh others.


We first meet this man whose name means ‘son of encouragement’ in Acts 4. In Acts 4:35-37, we see Barnabas giving money to be distributed to those in need. Imagine the refreshing this gift must have brough to those who might have lost their jobs due to their recent conversions. In Acts 9:26-27, we see Barnabas speaking up on behalf of the newly converted Saul. We can only imagine how skeptical people were when they heard of Saul's turn around. The one who had raged against believers in Jesus wanted to work among them. Barnabas as it were took Saul by the hand. He stood up for him. Telling the apostles what the Lord had already done in Saul's life. How refreshing it surely was for Saul to have Barnabas' good words spoken on his behalf.


One of the lovely things about belonging to God's family is that we can be conduits of something even better and more refreshing than water. We are, because we are temples of the Holy Spirit, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, conduits of His grace. What a precious thing that is to bestow on one another. So different than what the world is able to hold out.


Lord, show us how to refresh one another each day by helping each other look to You, the One Who has overcome the world, John 16:33.

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