Read: Genesis 50:15-21; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
This week, I learned about two books, one which I have already read and one that I recommended after I heard the author speak. Both authors have walked out biblical truths that put Jesus' love, power and grace on display. This is true even though the authors' stories are vastly different. With that in mind, let's look at the wondrous things God has done through these two ordinary people who love an extraordinary God.
The first story I heard was Jason Gray's. The topic on the call-in show where I heard him speak was failure. What perceived failure had he experienced that turned out to be something good? A bit of background. Mr. Gray has dealt with stuttering since childhood. Of course, it is sadly true that any imperfection can result in unkind treatment, and Jason Gray's life was no exception; however, he discovered that when he sang, the stuttering disappeared. Now to the perceived failure. Gray was performing in a coffee shop. Both singing and some speaking were to be part of what he would do that evening. It was his desire that he wouldn't struggle with the stuttering, but that was not to be. It was a very difficult performance for him, and when it was finished, he longed to escape to his home to be by himself. Then came the surprise. There was a long line of people waiting to talk with him. No quick exit for him. Without exception, the people who waited their turns to converse with Mr. Gray wanted to thank him for the strength he showed as he performed that night. What he thought would surely be a display of failure turned out to be a display of God's grace and strength. He knew that his weakness had been the platform for God's strength to shine through, 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. The book Jason Gray has written is called SPARROWS. It teaches children that God cares for them, the truth from Matthew 6:26-27. The little girl in the story worries about everything even her own stuttering. How life changing for her to know about God's love and care for His creatures, especially those made in His own image, Genesis 1:26-27.
The second story I heard was Gina Cavallo's. It is told in her book A SURVIVOR'S SECRETS. There is a great deal of pain and sadness in this book; so, it might not be for everyone. The author chronicles much abuse that was a part of her childhood as well as a three-year period when she was trafficked. Even so, her life is a picture of and an incredible example of God's grace and redemption. His hand is seen behind the scenes both before and after she gave her life to Jesus. The pain is not sugar coated, but the beauty of the God Who was with her, even when she didn't know Him, is very precious.
What brought about God's fruitfulness into a life that could have held nothing but emptiness? First, she gave her life to Jesus and became, as the scriptures say, a new creation, 2 Corinthians 5:17. That was the beginning. Over a period of time, Gina learned biblical truths which the Holy Spirit used to bring healing and change in her thinking. Lies that had been a part of her life for many years were gradually replaced by God's transforming truths, Romans 12:2. For example, all her life she has dealt with a learning disability that was never discovered during her growing up years. She was called stupid because she didn't talk before the age of five. Though she tried very hard in school, she was never able to memorize and she was not able to do well. Now she knows the truth that God loves her unconditionally just the way He has made her. Talk about transforming truth. She now speaks before all kinds of groups. Doing all she can so that people will not only recognize the signs of trafficking but also talk about what they have experienced so healing can begin! She was called worthless by family members and those who trafficked her, but now she knows that she is precious in the sight of the One Who created the heavens and the earth. He knows her by name, and He even lives within her, 1 Corinthians 6:20. Imagine that. The one who was called worthless and so much more is now nourished by the truth that she is the dwelling place of God. Concerning the hard work of forgiveness which she has done with the help of a Christ-centered group, (she worked with them for two years), Gina now knows the truth that Joseph knew. Yes, it was certain that evil people meant to demean and harm her, but God meant it for good. This truth didn't excuse sinful and wicked behavior; instead, it is the reminder that God's plan is big enough to use the evil done by people such as Joseph's brothers and Gina's abusers. Behind what makes no sense is the strong and loving hand of God. She now understands that forgiveness causes the chains to fall off her. Even chains that had bound her for decades. Gina Cavallo's story is a reminder that God truly sets people free so they can be His messengers. Sharing with others what God has done for them.
Just as God used Joseph to keep people from starving through the wisdom He gave him, God is now using Gina Cavallo to share His message of freedom from the chains of brokenness caused by traffickers and abusers. Once when Gina spoke, an 84-year-old nun spoke with her privately afterwards. She told of abuse and for the first time, she trusted someone with what she had kept secret for so long. Another truth that Gina Cavallo loves is 1 Peter 1:4. We have an inheritance kept for us in heaven. Nothing can ever defile or spoil it. What precious truth. There is much that Gina Cavallo knows will never be a part of her life because of the many evils she experienced, but she knows what awaits her. She allows herself to grieve what can never be regained. That pain is real, but she knows that God has a big plan and she says that if even one person can be saved because of the work she now does, it was worth what she endured. God truly meant it all for good.
Like Jason Gray, we have weaknesses. Sometimes, we would trade them in if we could. Like Gina Cavallo, we too have experienced bad treatment dished out by someone with evil intent. We never want to say that these things are easy. They are not. However, we have a God Who offers His strength in our weaknesses and Who also has a big enough plan and enough power to bring good when we can't fathom how it could possibly happen.
I'm thankful that we know that God is surely able to do way more than we can ask or think, Ephesians 3:20. His light shines through Jason Gray, Gina Cavallo and yes, even through us.