Read: Acts 10:1-8; Acts 10:34-43
I was talking to a friend about the fact that so many all around us don't understand the incredible love Jesus has for them or their need for the salvation that only He can provide. How can we tell them? That's what we were asking one another. No doubt others have had this same conversation. Perhaps even this week. So many people who are hardworking and nice stumble over the fact that the Bible proclaims boldly and without reservation that there is only One way to God. Jesus, John 14:6; Acts 4:12. I understand since I used to believe that same thing. To many people, some whom we all know and love, that claim seems to be so exclusive as to be unbelievable. This week, I was once again reminded that it is not only the Bible that proclaims that truth is narrow. The medical field is showing us that same thing. May I explain?
Actually, it is a simple but amazing example. Someone I know has an infection which is a rather ordinary but unpleasant occurrence. What is amazing to me is that a culture was taken so the doctor would know the best antibiotic to fight that infection. Talk about a narrow truth. A specific infection calls for a specific antibiotic. I don't think anyone would dispute the fact that this truth is narrow but that narrow is good. Everyone would agree that information that helps someone get better quicker or, in some cases, even saves a life is a great thing. Even if lots of other drugs are eliminated as part of the treatment.
Back to Jesus' claim that He is the Only Way. Let's look at a "good guy" the Bible tells us about to see that even he needed Jesus. His name is Cornelius, and his story is found in Acts 10. In Acts 10:1-8, we get to know him. There's a lot to like about this man. He is what the Jews called a Godfearer or a proselyte at the gate. A man who believed in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He had rejected the Roman gods and all other idolatry. He could attend the synagogue services but not participate in the temple sacrifices since he had not submitted to being circumcised. He prayed regularly to God and he was generous with his money. A man we would like to have as our neighbor. Yet, in his story, as we continue to read, we discover that something is missing in this "good guy's" life, and much of Acts 10 is the story of Peter's meeting with him and his family and friends so the missing element, Jesus, can be made known to him. In Acts 10:34-43, Peter told Cornelius and those who were listening along with him about Jesus. It is in these verses that we are treated to a simple but profound telling of what we call the gospel--the good news of the narrow way. The One Cornelius didn't yet know he needed. Yes, even this man whose life looks so good was lost because he hadn't yet come to understand the only One Whose death could provide the atonement that he needed in order to be cleansed from his sins, Romans 3:23; 1 John 2:1-2. If you will, Peter held out the only "antibiotic" that could bring life to this "good man", and Cornelius and those with him said yes.
I love this account because it not only highlights the truth that everyone needs Jesus, it is a reminder of the Savior's love that reaches out to make Himself known. To all kinds of people. The way is narrow but Jesus' love is not, Psalm 86:15; Romans 5:8; Psalm 103:11-13. Let's return just for a moment to the right antibiotic. The pharmacist will hand it to the one who needs it, but he must take the medication according to its instructions. Simply hearing about it and knowing what it will do isn't enough. Neither is knowing about Jesus enough. In John 1:11-12, the apostle states the truth with clarity.
Jesus came to His own people. To the ones who were, like Him, Jews according to the flesh; however, most of them did not receive Him because they were expecting a Messiah Who would overthrow Rome and set up His kingdom at that time. However, the verses go on to proclaim the truth that all those who would receive Jesus -believing that He was Who He said He was-would become children of God.
Sometimes when we who belong to Jesus, talk about Him being the Only Way, people are offended; so, with that in mind may I ask a simple question. Not with vitriol but with respect? If someone held out the only antibiotic that could save a life, would that be a reason to become angry? Wouldn't that rather be a good thing? In that spirit, we hold out Jesus to anyone who might possibly see this devotion. We want everyone to come to receive the love of the sinless One Who loves him enough to die for him so he could have everlasting life, John 3:16.
Jesus, Thank You that You continue to reach out to those who seem like good guys and those who seem like they are not. We praise You because You so graciously reached out to us too.